How COOL-TEC Cool Coatings
Work on Buildings’ Surfaces

To appreciate the effects of COOL-TEC cool coatings on buildings’ surfaces, it is helpful to examine the behaviour of solar radiation when it comes into contact with a surface coated with a conventional coating.

When solar radiation comes into contact with a conventionally coated surface, the majority of it is absorbed, heating up both the surface itself and the interior of the building. However, when solar radiation hits surfaces coated with COOL-TEC cool coatings, the majority of it is reflected back into space, minimising heat absorption through the building surface and preventing heat retention in the building’s interior.

Independent Study on the
Impact of Cool Coatings

The third-party comparative study that produced the data cited here employed rigorous scientific methods and thermal imaging equipment to determine the intensity of infrared radiation emitted from heat on buildings’ surfaces, with and without cool coatings.

To measure the infrared radiation emitted from heat, thermal imaging equipment is used to diagnose the building condition and convert the reading into a visible image. Warmer components or regions will show up as reds, oranges and yellows, while cooler parts will typically be shown as purples and blues (green usually indicates areas that are roughly at room temperature).


The coated roof’s surface temperature achieved up to 22°C reduction at midday when the temperature is usually the hottest.

Chart showing up to 22°C* reduction of roof surface temperature
Roof surface temperature , uncoated Bare RC Roof Substrate  vs COOL-TEC Roof-Seal Waterproofing

The air temperature measured at the building’s rooftop and top floor corridor also showed a reduction, indicating improved thermal comfort.

Chart showing reduction of roof air temperature
Chart showing reduction of top floor corridor temperature


The coated exterior’s surface temperature achieved up to 2°C reduction at midday when the temperature is usually the hottest.

Chart showing up to 2°C* reduction for facade surface temperature
Facade surface temperature , conventional coating  vs COOL-TEC SolaReflect SI


The coated driveway’s surface temperature achieved up to 12°C reduction at midday when the temperature
is usually the hottest.

Chart showing up to 12°C reduction in carpark surface temperature
Carpark surface temperature , uncoated surface vs COOL-TEC SolaReflect CoolFloor

**The independent case study specifically examines the cooling effects of cool coatings on exterior environment temperature. Factors such as road surface, slip resistance, motorist speed, and current condition of asphalt surfaces do not form part of the study.

The air temperature measured also showed a reduction, indicating improved thermal comfort for pedestrians.

Chart, shows reduction in carpark air temperature
Chart showing carpark air temperature reduction & Universal Thermal Climate Index for pedestrian

#Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) is a bioclimatic index for describing the physiological comfort of the human body under specific meteorological conditions such as ambient temperature, humidity, wind and radiation etc that affects our physiological reaction to the surrounding environment.

Collective Results of the Impact of
Cool Coatings on a Community

Infographic showing Cool-Tec SolaReflect Cool Coatings collectively reduce overall outdoor air temperature by up to 2.49°C

Up to 2.49°C reduction in outdoor air temperatures facilitated by Nippon Paint COOL-TEC cool coatings would have numerous positive repercussions for the whole community.

Though a temperature reduction of fewer than 3°C may seem
inconsequential, it can in fact bring what is perceived to be unacceptable outdoor thermal comfort into the acceptable range.

A landmark study (DeDear 1989) concluded that ambient air temperatures of 30.1°C and above are considered uncomfortable and unacceptable, while temperatures of 25.6°C to 30.0°C are considered only slightly unacceptable^.

In Singapore, incremental increases in temperature cause perceptible
increases in thermal discomfort that are exacerbated by our high humidity. Conversely, incremental reductions in temperature result in perceptible increases in thermal comfort.


The extensive application of Nippon Paint COOL-TEC cool coatings to the roofs and walls of multiple buildings and roads within an estate in the independent study has shown a collective reduction of overall outdoor air temperature by around 2.49°C*.

Nippon Paint COOL-TEC cool coatings adopt a ‘passive’ cooling method, which uses no electricity and generates no greenhouse gas emissions.

Chart showing street canyon air temperature

Among the many consequences of improved thermal comfort would be an increase in outdoor physical activities and social interaction between people of all ages, which would lead to subsequent gains in the physical, emotional and mental health of the nation. It would also enhance the appeal of cycling and greener commutes on public transport that require short walks, and create new business opportunities in entertainment, hospitality and tourism.

Needless to say, COOL-TEC cool coatings have the potential to not only make a positive impact on the lives of people, but also on the natural environment and the complex eco-systems that live within it and benefit humankind in countless ways.

As the hot topics of global warming and climate action are being endlessly discussed around the world, COOL-TEC cool coatings are a positive note in the ongoing conversation.

*Based on the results of a third-party comparative study that investigated the effects of COOL-TEC cool coatings on roofs, exterior walls and floors on lowering surface temperatures of buildings and lowering ambient (outdoor air) temperatures.

Interested in how you can help make Singapore a greener, cooler and more liveable city with COOL-TEC SolaReflect Cool Coatings for your building development?